2. I feel the most successful thing was finishing all of the pictures on time, and to the best of our ability, seeing as photo-shop can be difficult.
3. Well improvements we could make for next time is definitely not doing it last minute. Also when editing the pictures, we should be assigned the pictures and how many, it would be more organized that way. Cooler backgrounds could also be an improvement for next time, and maybe a better location for taking the pictures, where the backdrop reaches all the way to the floor.
4. If we did another photogram fundraiser it should be for spring break, beach themes and beach props. If not then, an end of the year fundraiser, it would be cool for the seniors to get pictures of their last year. Not sure what that theme could be, something fun, not necessarily a season or holiday theme.
5. I think I could definitely improve my photo-shop skills, by practicing. I didn't really learn about any new tools, but the eraser tool to erase little white spots like in between curls in the hair and stuff like that. I'm glad that the clients were impressed, and I hope we can do even better next time and have even more clients.